by Maria Lyons | Mar 31, 2017 | Buzzards Class
Find below links to SATs revision sites. Details to log on have been sent by Mrs Gregory and Mrs Armstrong Literacy Boot Camp Maths Boot Camp SpaG Boot...
by Maria Lyons | Nov 27, 2016 | Latest News, River Mead in the Media
David Hempleman-Adams, the world famous polar explorer, dropped in to The Mead Primary School last week to meet 240 children from schools in Trowbridge and Melksham, and talk to them about his recent Polar Ocean Challenge. The children from The Mead, Castle Mead,...
by Maria Lyons | Oct 13, 2016 | Latest News, River Mead in the Media
Our school has been praised for making ‘significant improvements’ by Ofsted following an inspection in July. The school received an overall rating of ‘Requires Improvement’ but the inspector acknowledged the school’s ‘capacity to improve further’ as ‘strong’. The...
by Lucy | Oct 4, 2016 | Buzzards Class, Latest News, River Mead in the Media
School children from across the county began to dream of an exciting future after attending the Wiltshire Festival of Engineering. More than 1,500 people attended, organised by Chippenham MP Michelle Donelan, to inspire the next generation of engineers and designers....
by Lucy | Oct 4, 2016 | Latest News
We are pleased to launch our new website and hope you enjoy finding out more about our school on these pages. The hosting for our new websites is kindly provided by School...