River Mead Staff Hub: Phone list

Castle Mead

Extension Name
401 Imogen Riley 
402 Susan Wong (office@castlemead.wilts.sch.uk
403 The Harbour 
404 Sarah Littlefair (admin@castlemead.wilts.sch.uk)
405 Gaby Simons, Lauren Pritchard and Heather Gilbert
406 Resource Base 
407 Kitchen
408 Nursery
409 The Harbour Counselling Room
410 Theo Gaines and Leanne Cunningham 
411 Mobile 
412 Emma Larkham
414 Nicole Fleet
01225 768641 External

The Mead (Hilperton)

Extension Name
201 Helen Goodall (admin@themead.wilts.sch.uk)
202 Emma Bailey (office@themead.wilts.sch.uk)
203 Kerry Thain
204 Kerry Morgan
205 Office mobile
206 Mark Stenton
207 Kate Seviour
208 Christine Davies
209 Nursery
210 The Burrow
212 Back office
213 Kitchen
214 The Lodge
215 The Meadow
296 Hilperton Reception voicemail
01225 759273 External


The Mead (Wingfield)

Extension Name
251 Office
252 Staff room
253 Back office
01225 774731 Emergencies


River Mead

Extension Name
301 Trina Carey (trina@themeadtrust.org)
302 Bethany Gibson (office@rivermead.wilts.sch.uk)
303 Nikki Hewlett
305 The Warren (Kate Mortimer)
306 Busy Bees (Nikita Bartlett)
307 Training Room
308 Y2/3/4
309 Y5/6
310 YR/1
311 Butterflies
312 Honey Bees (Tyler McGee)
313 Rebecca Higgs
314 Ladybugs
315 Leala Purdie and Rebecca Higgs
316 Kitchen
317 Emma Lewis
318 Louise Harrison
397 Staff absence
01225 703428 External


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