
“Children in the early years get off to a good start. They are taught well and supported effectively in their learning. They make good progress from their starting points.”

(Ofsted, July 2016)

At River Mead we believe in investing in our early education. We recognise that children in the Foundation Stage learn best and most effectively when they are given the opportunity to explore, investigate and learn about things that interest them. Carefully planned opportunities which are informed by the children’s fascinations ensure that children are actively engaged in their learning and development. Topics may last a day, a week or even a half term depending on where the children take their learning.

Adults in the foundation stage focus on what the children can do, their stage of development and what their next steps are in order to support them in meeting their full potential. This is an exciting way to learn and teach and we share the children’s learning journeys regularly with parents/carers.

At River Mead our beautiful Nursery space has close links to the wider school allowing children to build confidence in using shared areas and equipment such as the trim trail. Our Nursey children enjoy a wealth of engaging and exiting opportunities indoors and outdoors. Specific learning activities are planned by adults to help children learn key skills and knowledge throughout their time in Nursery and children are also given opportunities to lead their own learning and follow their own interests. Warm relationships with key adults form the foundations of our provision and support children to be confident and independent in their play and learning. We value parents and carers as close partners in their children’s experiences and foundations of learning and ensure that parents are kept well-informed about what their children have enjoyed each week.

Nursery at River Mead School
Nursery at River Mead School

Admission Information

We are unable to take any new admissions if your child is under three years of age. Free Entitlement for all children starts the term after their third birthday. We offer 30 hours of Free Entitlement (subject to availability and verification of the 30 hours code). Please note that having a place at River Mead Nursery does not entitle a child to a place at River Mead School and you will need to follow guidelines set out by Wiltshire Council and apply as per their current criteria.

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